October 17, 2017

There Will Be No Domains 18

It occurred to us at Reclaim Hosting that if we were going to run a Domains 18 conference, we would have to start the planning now. Fact is, we really don’t think there is a need for another conference right … Continue reading

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July 16, 2017

The Moodle Fighters Suck!

But damn they look good!

This is the Moodle Fighters (at least some of them): Grant Potter, pictured above rocking the bass, along with Brian Lamb on drums and Mikhail Gershovich on guitar (as well as Luke Waltzer—not pictured here)  made up … Continue reading

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June 19, 2017

Wrapping up Domains 17

Thanks to everyone who was able to physically join us in Oklahoma City earlier this month as well as those who were kind enough to engage in the conversation through Twitter and Virtually Connecting. It’s been so encouraging to see the conversation continue online through the #domains17 hashtag and on the blogosphere. As a thank…

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June 12, 2017

Critiquing Domains 17

#Domains17 has been over for about a week now, and I’m only now getting to a place where I feel like I can write about it. There are already a few really good reflection posts […]

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June 12, 2017

Critiquing Domains 17

#Domains17 has been over for about a week now, and I’m only now getting to a place where I feel like I can write about it. There are already a few really good reflection posts about the event (touching on metaphors, belonging, professional development, #notaconference, & newness, to name a […] Read More

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June 9, 2017

Small is Beautiful. Metaphors and Other Musings from #Domains17

I’m recovering from the week that was #Domains17 and want to thank everyone from near and far to took the time to come to Oklahoma City and be a part of this conversation, particularly Jim, Tim, and Lauren from Reclaim Hosting who suggested OKC. It’s likely that part of being an Oklahoman is wanting to […]
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May 26, 2017

Dead Moocmen Live

Bryan Mathers is a genius.  Have I said that already?

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May 24, 2017

Domains Dinner: Get-Togetherness

I hesitated even writing this post. It’s just about one itty bitty detail of the Domains 17 conference. A detail that is normally overlooked or tossed to the side as “free time”. But the more […]

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May 24, 2017

Domains Dinner: Get-Togetherness

I hesitated even writing this post. It’s just about one itty bitty detail of the Domains 17 conference. A detail that is normally overlooked or tossed to the side as “free time”. But the more I think about it, I want to actually address something I’m rather passionate about. I […] Read More

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May 24, 2017

Domains Dinner: Get-Togetherness

I hesitated even writing this post. It’s just about one itty bitty detail of the Domains 17 conference. A detail that is normally overlooked or tossed to the side as “free time”. But the more I think about it, I want to actually address something I’m rather passionate about. I […] Read More

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